Telegram platform supports video calls

Need a video call with your friends on Telegram? It’s finally available now
The famous and unique telegram application has video feature with its many advantages that distinguish it from most alternative applications,
including the creation of channels and chat groups with a giant list.

To respect privacy and support the download of files easily and quickly,and many more in work ,study or chating.

newly supports a new and distinctive feature that was available in most other chat applications, a procedure a video calls.

It is known that the platform is permanent-update and add features to the application , and had promised from the beginning of the year to add the feature make video calls .

Recently, this feature was monitored by a User of Twitter in the trial version 7.0.0 of the application Telegram for operating systems Android” and “ios” and “mac os”.

To use this feature you and the other partner need to install the trial version 7.0.0 of the Telegram app or wait until this feature becomes officially available to everyone through the app update from Google Play or Apple Store.

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