
Microsoft to end support for Windows 7 in January 2020

Microsoft has announced that they will no longer support Windows 7 starting on January 14, 2020. This means that starting on January 15, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide technical assistance and software updates for Windows 7 systems.

This change has an impact on many businesses and residents. If you are using Windows 7, you will want to update your system to Windows 10 as soon as possible.

If you update to Windows 10 without any help from professionals, you risk losing data, hardware malfunctions, and software incompatibility. It is advisable to invest your money in a new computer if it’s an older model.

Note: computers should usually be traded in for a new model every 3-4 years. Newer computers should definitely get the Windows 10 upgrade.

After the cut-off date, if you continue to use Windows 7, your data, computer, and business will be at great risk of cyber attacks.

Another option is to switch to Linux or purchase a Mac.

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